Monday, October 12, 2015

Facebook Games: 101

For those of you who think that Facebook Games are fun and harmless, this is basically how they work.

When you accept their terms of service, you agree to give them access to ALL of your personal information and all the public information of everyone on your friends list. You also grant them permission to post on your timeline and send messages to your friends on your behalf.

Then they get you hooked on their zombie food and when you impulsively want to continue to the next level, you either have to abstain from their "drug" for a set period of time before proceeding or grant them permission to send invitations to all of your friends.

Their hope, of course, is that you will have ZERO self control and DEMAND IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION and allow them to spam all of your friends.

The objective, of course, is DATA MINING! If you haven't figured it out yet, let me enlighten you: NOTHING IN LIFE IS FREE and ON FACEBOOK YOU ARE THE COMMODITY BEING BOUGHT AND SOLD! So, when you can't control your impulses, you are, in effect, selling out your friends and family... all because of your ZOMBIE FOOD ADDICTION.

Facebook is simply doing what they do. But YOU should be ashamed of yourself if you have such lack of self control that you are willing to sell out everyone you know. You are just as bad as a crack head!

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